about us

About us

Diane Chevrette
Expert consultant

Dynamic individual with innovative ideas, Diane’s career is paved with success stories for her employers as well as for her clients.

Involved in the early stages of call centers and ticketing networks, she is drawn into the cultural industry by the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. Her skills and knowledge brought her to work for world acclaimed Cirque du Soleil where she set-up ticketing and call center operations in the United States and in Europe. In 1995, Cirque du Soleil received the prestigious INTIX award recognizing most intricate and highly efficient operations throughout the organisation.

With her comprehensive approach combining sales, direct marketing, and customer relationship marketing, she performed in various industries always providing greater results and increased revenue. Coherent with her original passion for the arts, she started working at La Salle Albert-Rousseau in Québec City and transformed regular in-bound box office operations into a pro-active sales force including CRM, direct marketing, cross-selling and e-mail blasts. In 2002, she developed and implemented the first loyalty program for the arts in Québec, forever largely increasing revenues for the venue and their events.

Now a consultant, she helps her clients improve their financial outcome by means of effective marketing strategies and loyalty programs. Her services provide a better reading of customer profile and deliver overall increased productivity.

Denis J. Bertrand
Expert consultant

Over the last 30 years, Denis has held senior management positions at Théâtre Action (provincial theatre arts service organization), Ontario’s Office of Francophone Affairs, TFO (Ontario’s French-language educational television network), La Cité collégiale (Eastern Ontario’s French-language community college) and the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (national umbrella organization for francophone communities located outside Québec).

He was the first Coordinator of Arts and Learning: A Call to Action, an initiative launched by the Canada Council for the Arts, the Canadian Conference of the Arts, and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. He is a former Chair of Ottawa’s Théâtre la Catapulte and a former member of the Board of Directors of Ottawa’s La Nouvelle Scène, as well as Sudbury’s Édition Prise de parole. He has written and implemented numerous planning and communications strategies for government agencies and non-profit organizations.

For more than 10 years, Denis has focused his work on audience development for the arts. By using his communication and marketing skills, his own commitment for the arts and his ongoing research on best practices and trends in the field, he has developed a practical approach to audience development. He has led numerous workshops on the subject and worked with many arts organizations interested in acquiring their own audience development strategy. He currently writes a blog on the issue, as well as a monthly column for the Canadian Conference of the Art’s Magazine. He is a member of Arts Consultants Canada.